May 27, 2006 16:07
Oh how I love looking back at drunken posts... Last night was definitely and unexpectedly fun.
I've been listening to Tilly and the Wall all day long- mellow, beautiful stuff. I love that they use tap dance in place of drums for percussion. Being produced by Conor Oberst doesn't hurt either. ;-)
I'm craving new reading material, surprisingly though I'm not so much in the mood for fiction at the moment. I just can't through Everything is Illuminated. Don't get me wrong, I generally enjoy randomness, but its just getting to be too choppy to enjoy. There's a lack of unity between the letters, author's stories, and the narration of the Ukrainian translator. I have a huge list of books on Amazon, just need to go to le library or Borders. I feel like painting or knitting, but half of my supplies are packed... Fuck.
Maybe I'll rent a movie or something. Speaking of films, I'm dying to see several of the films from Cannes, especially Mare Antoinette. Sofia Coppola has guts and thus, I heart her.