(no subject)

Apr 21, 2003 10:36

The weekend was pretty cool, even though not much happened. Went to the PLME semi dinner, and *almost* made it out to the dance, but got just a lil' distracted when I came back to pick up Mia. Eh, no biggie. Went to a Indrani/Cri/Mike/Jackie's big birhday bash for a bit, went and visit Melba's marine, and then don't remember what else. Saturday was hardcore paper research/PLAYOFFS HIGHLIGHTS (two last second 3-pt shots??), and...don't remember what else. Sunday was again some work on the paper, and orgo studying. I felt DAMN productive over the weekend.

PLUS, I woke up EARLY for my 9am class, and didn't feel tired at all! Also, the prospect of not taking CH36 next semester has me seriously pumped. Maybe I'll ditch the biochem concentration completely and go with an scb in bio? neuro? Eh...we'll see.

My roommate just sounded the "hate-email" alarm. Whatever man.

I want to know who called for me on Friday before the semi. REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME, LEST I UNLEASH ANGRY TICKS UPON YOUR FACE.

Class @ 11, i'm out.
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