Jan 01, 2005 15:38
Libby wants me to go visit her but I don't feel like driving to Crowley so.....
-Slept in your bed: Me. Or Jamie. Or yeah, I'm pretty sure the last person who stayed the night was Jamie.
-Saw you cry: I don't even remember the last time I cried.
-Made you cry: Tyler didn't make me cry but he made me really sad and almost cry.
-You shared a drink with: Sam.
-You kissed: Taylor some minutes after midnight. Yeah. I want a boyfriend so I can have someone to take to P.F. Chang's with me on New Year's Eve and would kiss me at midnight at the top of the parking lot while watching fireworks. UGH.
-You talked to: Sarah
-You had sex with: hahahahhaha... no one. Ever. That's a lie. But I'm NOT telling you who the last one was.
-Came to your house: Jessica and Michael.
-You went to the movies with: Jessica, Jane, Taylor, Michael
-You went to the mall with: Sarah Barnes
-Yelled at you: my mom?
-Sent you an email: no one. eyesorevegas@yahoo.com
-Said "I Love You" and meant it: to my fam
-Gotten in a fight with your pet: no.
-had a crazy dream that came true the next day: negatory DUDE.
-California: yes
-Hawaii: no
-Mexico: yes
-China: no
-Canada: no
-Florida: yes
-N.Y: no
-Jamaica: no
-Bahamas: nope
-Amsterdam: no
-Do you do drugs: On occasion. I really don't like smoking pot. It's pretty pointless to me, unless I'm in the mood to laze around for four hours.
-Do you drink: Sure.
-Who is your best friend: Jamie/Jane/Jessica
-What are you most scared of: obesity and pregnancy
-What clothes do you sleep in: Shorts or boxers and a t-shirt.
-Where do you want to get married: On the moon. How romantic.
-Who do you really hate: no one.
-Been in Love: no
-Do you drive: yes
-Do you have a job: CHICKEN EXPRESS. Someone, please, get me a new job. I need a new scene.
-Do you like being around people: For the most part, but there are lots of times when I just want to be alone and I will bitch slap your ass if you come talk to me.
-Are you for world peace: No. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF A QUESTION IS THIS? Of course I'm for world peace.
Are you a health freak: Noppppppppe.
-Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Even though it doesn't seem to make sense, just because you hang out with a person it doesn't mean you have a chance with them. I've never loved anyone though. So. Whatev.
-Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: SHUT UP!
-Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: I love preppy boys. And boys that are metrosexual. And. Every. Boy. Ever.
-Are you lonely right now: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
-Do you want to get married: yes
-Do you want kids: not really.
-Room in house: My room. I have everything. I'm getting myself a mini-fridge.
-Perfume or cologne: Burberry Brit, Ralph Lauren Blue..yeah... and boy smells like Kenneth Cole Black. Or soap. Or Laundry. Yes.
-Month: October
-Stone: Granite? Haha. RUBY'S.
-Color: Pink
-Cried: no
-Bought something: Food. Booze. A Coke. Gasoline. Smokes.
-Gotten sick: yes! Self induced sick though.
-Sang: Probably
-Said "I love you": Maybe. Probably to my mom.
-Met someone new: Russel. And some other guy that came with Jameson and Greg.
-Missed someone: Not really.
-Hugged someone: a lot of people :)
-Kissed someone: Not REALLY kissed. Like a peck.
-song you heard: I'm a slave 4 u - Britney Spears
-Movie you saw: Chhaawwww. I don't know something on T.V.
-drink you bought: COKE
-thing you stole: A weird green flower brooche. Like.. I don't even want it. Why did it take it?
-Thought of purchasing hookers: Right now.
-thing you ate: Ham.
-time you masturbated: A couple of nights ago.
-Ate a 7-11 hot dog: Never?
That was an awesome waste of time.