Mar 17, 2006 20:16
End of week 3 already with time going by so fast... really only seems like its been like what??? 1 week of uni only... any ways... this week was good, even though the home work load and lecture preparation was a heavier than last week... but still its supposed to be like that any way...
Monday... didn't do much apart from going out to the library and studying which is to become a weekly must... in going out to the library and doin stuff, however i must say, that the public librarys are now not much of a use to me now since err... they don't contain the information that i need to be able to do assignments, research and other stuff like i can do in the Griffith Library... i think that i will soon have to change library soon... went back to Top 1 at around 3:30 after doing quite a lot of assignment work, home work etc. then waited for a friend to go out together to play tennis again at the Southport Tennis Courst, the one the All Saints Angelican School uses for the APS sports... taught him a couple of tricks and hints for him to improve on his playing skills... which i must say did improve a lot since last week... went back home and did more studying...
Tuesday... the beginning of another academic week for me, nothing much happened...
Wednesday... had class in the afternoon, not very convinent for me but any ways can't do anything about that at this time since there isn't much of a point in changing it any way, during the lecture, tutorial and workshop sat next to Angie and Mandy... it was ok... didn't do much really but yea... just listened to Mary-Anne (Lecturer) blabbing on about the Hospitality Industry (Introduction to Hospitality Management)... talked about the assignment and stuff... was quite boring really... during the lecture, had to find a partner for the presentation assignment... and will be working on an assignment with a girl that i think is called Osely or Icely something with a 'ely' ending... she didn't seem like that she wants to be in the class cuz always late back from breaks and shit... but any ways... not that i can do anything about it now when the teacher has it down that we are working togetoher...
Thursday... yes... Food Production Management, the best class out of the week... cuz its a practical lesson... however for once this lesson was to be half theory and half practical... not really what i really wanted to do but it was ok i guess in the end... the theory part of the lesson took the lecturer/cook about 4 hours to say stuff about the customers that can not take particular foods because of either medical reasons or religious reason... so boring i must admit... for the practical side of things, we made sandwiches... first with the pin-wheel sandwich- the one that looks like a spinning wheel from the side... then the normal club sandwich- u guys know how it looks, no point in answering... after class went to QUT to meet up with Carol... so long haven't seen her i think about over half a year... err... she i must say has changed quite alot... went to Myer Center to eat lunch at wat around 3:30...??? then just sat and talk and talk and talk... waited for Carol's friend... went back to her house/unit... sat around and waited for her to get ready to go back down to Gold Coast, wasn't until around 8:15 when we left... arrived home... no one was here and was hungry... so had to cook by my self... and somewhat eat by my self... 2 minute noodle... after that continued with studying...
Friday... err... woke up late... at 7:00 missed about 2 trains... so caught the 7:25 train to Brisbane's Southbank but for some stupid reason decided to go on the slow train and stop at Altandi and make my way to Uni like that but really it took the exact same time cuz there was a bit of a traffic jam with the electricity going out for 10 minutes, thus making the trains to stop where it was... not very good when i was already late... after a long time... the train finally arrived at Altandi... walked across the road and was about 10 meters away when the bus driver decided the leave with like what 20people trying to catch it... so screw that, caught the next one available... which apparently was full as well... so finally caught the next one which was kinda half full... by then it was already at what 9:10... arrived at Uni at around 9:30 after the tiresome walk up the hill with books and tennis racket... not good... ran up half way but, so long no exercise i just gave up... in class room finally then talk with friends explain to them why i was so late... haa haa... which contained mostly of swear words and me cursing the driver and train system... which totally sucks... hai... continuing on... the lecture went on for a very short time after my arrival like what 30 min... took the rest of the notes and that time really went by fast... cuz it was... told the teacher why i was late and explained... then went to the workshop/tutorial... chatted on MSN, checked email, filled in IBT survey, did a bit of the computer work that was required... and then err... added people to my msn list lar... soon after we as in Leanne, Vincent, Gary, Money, Elsa, Honic ( i think ) and i decided to leave for lunch, went to Garden city lar... shared a sub-way with Vincent, it was good and it was his first time eating it so he said it was good too, hee hee... not bad for a first... then went back to uni to play tennis... played for about 2 hours all of us... during part way of playing tennis, Leanne's boyfriend came and played a bit of tennis... when Leanne was playing on one court and i was playing on the other court, when we both had nothing to do we played tennis across the courts, which was really fun... Money had to look out for the ball ever time (she was standing in between un)... overall it was heaps fun... on the way back, nothing much happened... stood up for most of the trip cuz there wasn't any seats left... the good thing... i didn't get train sick when standing up this time, cuz why??? i think that it was because i was leaning against the wall this time and maybe because i took my bag off too... apart from that the day wasn't that bad... I THINK I AM SUN BURNED...
Recap of the week... I think I really need to move up to Brisbane soon, cuz there isn;t much of a point of me going to the friday lecture if i always turn up late cuz of waking up too late... hum... must find place and organise things before things get out of hand...
FUCK... have to go to Uni on monday cuz i'm not fucking 18 yet...