clap clap clap
Sorry. x__X We're talking about the Triple Triad song at ff_land, and despite not being into the card-game, I find the music to be intoxicating. That can't be healthy, can it!? bongabongabongabonga~
clapclap clap!
Okay. Enough music. Back to Rinoa the game. Ahem.
You have to admit that Rinoa's got it made whenever I decide to play this game. I treat her like a little piece of heaven, or something. )
Soo, you might see some photos of me dressed up this year. I dunno. XD Quistis outfit would be harder than Rinoa's, I'd think. I mean, Rinoa's would be difficult...but Quistis is very...different. Not as easily put together with simple fabrics. We should do some kind of mutual "Marta and Jade Cosplay Fund" one day to make this a reality when we actually have money. Hee. ;D
Oh, really? Jealous! I'd love to have the guide, heh. That FF feature is *so* cool. I haven't had that in ages, but god I wish I did. TBH, it kind of messes up playing it normally for me, because I'm like "FF" "oh.." XD It's a good feature, though. Every game should have it!
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Oh, really? I can see Quistis being more expensive, with how it's made. It's just...different. Rinoa's can be put together with simple items, I think. We totally do. Also, I know this is random, but I've seen whips at Halloween stores. We've got a big one here called "Halloween USA!" and they sell like, tons of 'em. /not like she ever checked 'em out or anything, no way! XD
Oh wow, really? You know, we've got a place here that's called Destiny Games - if I ever see anything there for cheap that I (or you) would like, guide or game-wise, I'll definitely check into it. They've got so much cheap stuff, and guides. I've been twice, and I love the place. We need to go together! (They play game music while you browse, it does not get any better than that, omg) and have like, everything. right down to the oldies. It's so great. <3 (MGS was like, 10 dollars there, before. I actually need a new copy, as my brother stole the original we had, bah. Well, it was his, first. xD)
LMAO, you're right! Someone dies and I'm like "o__o oh, oops." They have that feature on Persona, sort of. It's not a FF, it's called "Rush!" where the characters all just attack like crazy with their weapons and it goes in fast motion. It's a little much for me though, because they can't heal and it's just like...berserk. XD It sucks, because it's the triangle button, which is easily pressed, so sometimes when I'm sleepy, the characters will speed up all of a sudden and I'm like "O__O WTF DID I JUST DO!?"
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Ah, that's so cute! :D :D I'd chat you up if I saw you with a bunch of sci-fi dvds at the counter, hehe. I'd be like "Oh, Farscape?" *talks and talks and annoys customers*! Ha, yeah it is pretty nifty. They've got lots of anime and science fiction boxsets there, so it's a pretty great place. We'll have to visit sometimes if you're ever on my end of Michigan. I'd love to take you there! :D (It's not all that far away from my home, really) *I'd love that MGS. The only thing I have against it is that they had to re-do the voice acting, I heard. The PS voice acting was just so epic. Sigh. I know I'd notice that, but updated graphics make me want. If I bought that controller for my Wii, I could play it! (I'm glad you got the games, too!)
Ahaha, carp! Ew. Oh, really? I watch them too, actually. ^^ My dad and I are pretty crazy about that, and get rabid if anyone else is like "uh?" my mom likes to skip, but I think it ruins the experience! D: I watch them all, yeah! Unfortunately, "modern" sci-fi is starting to be made without openings - too much money, take up too much time, and the networks pretty much suck. SGU doesn't have one (it just flashes the logo, similar to LOST) although it does have a really cool recap thing for the entire season that plays before every episode. At least there's that. I'm with you though, we'd always watch openings and credits. ♥
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