Sep 29, 2003 20:23
im so excited, me and mere have been waiting for this, and its TOMORROW.i love.
how can someone fall in love with someone else if they dont even know the person (and three days of hanging out with them doesnt mean you know them), thats impossible, and ridiculous.
San Diego, all weve been doing is hanging out with long duc dong, and the more i hung out with him the more i realized how sensitive he was, it was really weird, i didnt like it, but whatever he's cool. Every single time we go there i think yeah were going to San diego its going to be great were going to see everyone there and what not, its going to be way cool, and you end up hanging out with one person that you didnt really care to see. Josh moya, the guy with the huge package, is problem is that i get my hopes to high, and the more higher they are the more upset you get when nothing happens, and he told me to think everything anyone said is a lie...and i should do that, anyone disagree with this?!
a few things that have been making me happy lately:
-taking showers while listening to deathcab's photo album
-san diego, when you see everyone, and san diego kids!
-jasmine's house
-dinner at jasmine's
-the postal service
-being done with homework
theres more but i just dont know.
what makes you happy?