[This particular entry starts off as nothing more than carefully written, easily legible text. After a few moments, the voiced part starts - it's the text being read out in a calm, friendly voice, for any who might have trouble reading what's written.]
I was wondering... How many of you have dealt with the inability to remember something important
Read more... )
But anyway, he's in an odd mood to test Joshua here, so he's going to obscure the camera on the journal and disguise his handwriting so it looks very different from any other handwriting he's used on the journals before. Have fun guessing who this is.]
I know someone else who was affected.
Do you mind explaining how they were affected? [He's admittedly pretty curious, since the original question was fairly broad, but he's not going to make this person explain if they don't want to.]
I've known a few actually. Sometimes they do not recall some events, and other times it can be years worth of loss.
That's what I've seen, too. Normally, they only forget a certain short period of time, but sometimes it's several years. [Someone like that responded to this entry, after all.
... ] Do you know why these people lost their memories? [Considering how much the cause can vary... it's a question worth asking.]
Do you mean powers like the manipulation of someone's memories? [That's the first thing that came to mind for him, at least...]
[And this is actually somewhat entertaining, because he can actually be remotely helpful in leading Joshua towards fixing his own memories.]
The people you mentioned... Do you know if they managed to regain their memories? [If they did, and he knows how they managed it, that might prove to be really helpful...]
The next response is slightly delayed - not by much, but enough for the delay to be noticeable.]
I'm sure he'll recover someday. He probably just needs more time to find a way to regain his memories.
[..."Remove the magic", huh? Hmm...]
... ]
That person... Is he here in Luceti right now? [Because this person is really making it sound that way. Still, asking for a confirmation can't hurt.]
[So have you figured out yet, Joshua? Leonhardt is so expecting you will rather soon here.]
I'm sure it was. Is he someone you knew well, then? [That would explain a lot, if it's true...]
I see... [That's... actually a bit worrying. He's not really sure if he should try to ask for more information, though - this is a pretty sensitive subject, after all, and what he's already learned is enough to make him wonder about something.
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