I got a letter from Charlotte today.

Sep 27, 2005 08:31

"The priests tongue slips out like a jackal every eye in the audience spinning like a drill the groom plucks a key from the rapture tree and opens her ribcage like a screaming armoire..."

Life has been so depressing lately. All I want to do is leave, move out, get away. The more I want it the more chained down I feel. I want more than anything to have a close girl friend, but I can't. I think Im just to akward around girls, I feel more comfortable around boys, I dont know why.
I try to be real close with leah, but we live so far away and so much happens in between the times we see each other. Plus Im not sure if she even wants to be. Then Im trying to get close with Julie again, but the closer I try to get the more it feels like she's pushing me away. I dont know how to act around her..is it because of my crsuh? or the past? I dont know. I just feel so stuck, and hopeless. Cody is my best friend, I cant wait to move out with him and get away from all this drama, but sometimes I just feel like I need more. I need a girl friend. Someone I can chat with, or cry to, or share my feelings and know that they really care and they aren't just trying to to listen...

"Her lungs and liver screaming mercy mercy mercy, as they re arrange the wires in her heart. I now pronounce you smiling like the grave, I now pronounce you a new york slave!!!"

I just dont know.
I have to go to class now.
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