Nov 07, 2008 20:49
1. For some reason or another, I have a very negative sense of self at the current moment -- it could in part be due to an unfortunate family member of a patient relaying undeserving and harsh words at myself, or in part due to a miscommunication with the boyfriend earlier today.
2. After checking my e-mail and noticing a sleuth of stores currently offering 25% off sales, free shipping, and "valued customer" offers, I am fighting the urge to spend, spend, spend! It really is a burden to know I have the ability to purchase what I choose, yet remain grounded and maintain a conservative mindset with regards to money. *sigh*
3. I've an appointment with Dr. Nash on November 18th wherein I shall be "re-evaluated" and potentially re-diagnosed. I suspect he shall cross his arms, sigh in frustration, and ask me what I would like to see come of the situation, and we shall then sit in silence for a handful of minutes before coming to the joint conclusion that it is time to move on to a new physician with specialty in pelvic pain and the like.
4. My 20th birthday is approaching and I am compelled to throw myself a birthday dinner of sorts, yet am almost positive my living space will still be in shambles come January 1st. It seems the older I get, the less patience I have for my family members when it comes to making a decision.
5. Spring semester is rearing 'round the corner and I suppose that means I shall once again peruse through the course listings at Oakton in attempt to find classes to aid in my future. As such, I debate whether or not I should switch from Day's to Nights when it comes to work. *ponders*
6. I am strongly considering purchasing a new car or a newly used car, for that matter. I feel as though my Mazda will only last me for another year or two and wonder whether or not now is an opportune time to make such a large purchase, as it would be funded solely on my part. I suppose if my insurance company comes through on two $1500 payments, I will delve more into the idea of a new car.
7. A second job may be in my future, at least for the holiday season. I suspect the extra income will benefit my current situation and desires most graciously. The only downside would be working 60 hour weeks and lack of free time. *shrugs* It's something to think about.