I just wanted to make a short post for an eyelash-curling tip that worked for me.
I had to throw away my eyelash curler because the rubber was worn-out, and I was too lazy to go out and buy another one. So I took advice from a friend, who curls her eyelashes with a spoon. I took the edge of the spoon to my lashes, pressed with my index finger and curled them pressing against my thumb. The result? I'm never going to buy an eyelash curler again.
Edit: I'm sorry, I knew this probably needed a tutorial. LOL. I'm going to tag this entry, so you can find it later (only a superior intellect like mine would post something like this on SALES DAY) and I'll upload a video in no time. It IS, however, quite like
bizzeh suggested - it's similar to curling ribbons with scissors.