hey there :)
I've been lurking for about two weeks now, and finally decided to be brave and just post away to officially say 'hallo'. so this is me (a few different recent looks)
a few of these were done with a mobile phone since my cam was not charged. sorry about that. I'm a lazy, lazy person :/
sorry for the last ones being so big, photobucket doesn't let me resize them right now :/
I didn't put on make-up in most of them because my skin is really, really mean to me right now (it's getting cold over here and I'm still trying to find a nice skin care that is actually helping and vegan ;))
do you guys have any suggestions?
which colour combos work? which don't?
I've really only started the whole 'trying to be all pretty' thing about 6 months ago so I'm still not too entirely sure what I can and SHOULD do with myself.
and I hate my eyebrows :/