Here is a little article I wrote about blending...
What is it?Blending is the art of mixing different colors (whether still similar in hue or on completely opposite sides of the color wheel) to create a gradient of color, not a muddying mess that obliterates the vibrancy and trueness of the individual colors used to create a particular
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and sorry for misreading the "you" part.
I thought the drag queen part was just funny, I didn't take it seriously at all xD
and I understand your reasons for defending her completely.
I mean, I feel the same way, but I never comment if someone makes a rude comment, I think its petty and rude comments are usually pretty funny. I really do admire you for stepping up and so strongly defending her, and in the future, anyone else =)
I think, my problem is I'm so horribly apathetic about everyone, including myself.
I had a troll on my last post, and I didn't bother commenting, at least not until a bunch of other people attacked the troll, just because I didn't care. The only reason I did reply was because I think I might feel a little dumb if everyone else was defending me and I didn't at least say something.
at least the community got some excitement..or if not the community, the people that commented here with me reading into things too much...with all of us reading into it too much.
hahaha..oh man, wouldn't it be kind of horribly sad, but a little funny...if letbulletsrain just RANDOMLY picked someone in some community (temptalia and this one) said stuff just to start shit amongst us just for laughs?
I mean, obviously she didn't..but the idea's kinda funny. Or not. I'm just being lame again.
But yeah, I understand what you're saying about everything and if someone said something about me I'd brush it off, but I have this weirdly passionate reaction to people being mean to nice people. I dunno what my problem is, and maybe I should back off things like this, but I can't help wanting to get all indignant and preachy when someone is rude/insulting/bitchy to someone who hasn't done anything wrong.
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