I just got through ordering Raising Your Spirited Child Rev Ed: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka so you can imagine the tone in this house. Over the last few months my sweet, precious little boy had gone from being just that to a really, really difficult child and I don't believe it's (just) the terrible twos. He's all of a sudden VERY aggressive and just all around a more intense child. Spirited is the nicest word for it. Here's hoping that the book will give some sort of new insight or at least more suggestions to be able to handle him.
Completely switching gears here can I just say that I would kill for
Lindsay Lohan's rack? (link NSFW) Say what you will about the girls personal life, acting technique but Lord she's got some gorgeous boobs.
I've been a fan of Big Brother since it first started but this season is seriously disgusting. Every year it seems like the people get worse and worse. I've been halfheartedly reading the updates over on
BB9Dish and some of the stuff on there is seriously sick. One of the houseguests sunk SO low in arguing with another that he MADE FUN OF HER FATHER'S SUICIDE. I mean, what kind of person does that? I really don't think I can watch these people anymore. Between last year when someone got absolutely attacked and berated for her religion to this--ugh. It's just awful.