Aug 07, 2004 01:52
hey guys...long time no see...sorry i don't have internet connection at my convienence (sp?). how has everyone been? please tell me because i'm not just asking that question to be that means rachel, courtney, tessa, scott, russell, etc. please tell me how you've been because i haven't talked to you in a while.
so this is how my life is going right now:
i have a boyfriend that i've been with for a month. he's younger than me and at first i thought it would be weird and it was for a like a day but then i realized that i really didn't care because i have fun with him and i really like him. so it's good. i don't drink or smoke NEARLY as much as i used to. for example i drink maybe 1-2 times a week and a pack of cigarettes lasts me about 4-5 days (which is very good for a smoker). i'm thinking about quitting but, as weak as it sounds, it's hard. talk to you guys later. goodnight!