Drabble: Candy Corn

Nov 01, 2011 16:23

Title: Candy Corn
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I very clearly do not own Harry Potter or any of the associated characters or ideas. Nor do I own even a single bag of candy corn! Woe is me!
Warnings: Does silliness count? Snarky Severus!
Summary: It was all Granger's fault... (Prompts were SS/HP and candy corn.)
Notes: This was my drabble for perfect_potion in the hp_halloween fest! I loved this prompt! I'm British myself and we don't have candy corn, so the reaction of the boys here is based on the fact that they're also British.

“What exactly is this, Potter?” Severus demanded contemptuously. He clearly didn’t think much of the item his lover had just pushed on him.

“Sweets, Sev!” Harry announced cheerfully, undaunted by the potion masters attitude. He was, after all, well used to it. Leaning over, the dark-haired imp reclaimed the small bag. Turning it so that the gaudy design on the front was visible, he showed it to Severus.

“It’s called candy corn,” he announced, tearing open the packet and summoning a bowl from the kitchen. Upending the contents into the dish, he offered them to his former professor. “Hermione says they’re very popular with the American muggles, so they can’t be all that bad, right?”

Frankly unconvinced, Severus nevertheless accepted one of the tri-coloured kernels, popping it into his mouth and biting down. Tacky, artificial sweetness burst over his tongue and the older man grimaced as the confection disintegrated.

“Disgusting,” he announced disdainfully with a curled lip. Having tried one at the same time, Harry agreed, setting down the bowl and wandering off in search of something more palatable.

- - -

Ten minutes later Harry was back. He stood in the doorway staring incredulously at the now empty bowl.

“What?” Severus snapped with as much dignity as he could muster. “They’re moreish!”

Irrelevant comment of the day: It's my birthday on Friday. I am excite! The world will be MIIIIIINE! Well okay, maybe not to world, but this retro slush puppy maker, anyway. Awesome, no? XD

drabble, severus/harry

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