Apr 25, 2009 18:10
I'm having a brain-dance about a presentation I will be doing on Tuesday. This is supposed to be to cumulative result of a semester of research...and I havem't really done much.
So let's talk.
I think it won't be that bad, because one thing you need to know about graduate school is that there's a whole helluva lot of presenation topic recycling. This actually seems to have some long-term benefits because by the sheer force of laziness, the students seek out projects that (a) overlap with research done on prior topics or (b) extend the research project done before, so that what you ultimately have is a collection of projects that tend to have a central theme, which is good for a thesis. I suppose one downside is that you become ridiculously knowledgeable about one itsy-bitsy topic that is probably useless. So, that's is why scientists do all their work on one stupid thing instead of a great variety of interesting things early in their careers. In case you were interested.
MY presentation will be a comparison of the (deep breath) component ecological guilds through the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary and the Late Triassic (Norian) shallow benthic communities, with specific regard to the large bolide impact events.
The only thing that is scaring me is that I don't have the stupid PowerPoint done, and that crap takes a LONG TIME. Oh, and I have to analyze the data and go through my rocks. Tomorrow.
Anyway, hello again, LJ. Nice to see you. And hello to all you people, too.