Mar 28, 2006 22:27
My body never ceases to amaze me. It's like, just when you think you and your body are friends again, BLAMMO, body is all like, "fuh-huuuuck youuuu", and I'm all, "BODY! GOD DAMMIT! BE NICE TO ME!"
After two weeks of weird exhaustion (10 hour/night, a couple of a multi-hour naps/day) that also included a bout with a cough and the FULL SPECTRUM of snot consistencies (total liquid became ooey-gooey yellow became huge amounts of gooey white became gelatinous almost-solid white), and warrented my voluntary social quarentine for two full weekends in a row - a new biological foe has now surfaced.
A PATHOLOGICAL NEMISIS. I thought getting sick with some mono-like thing was the worst, and I TRIED to compensate for insane school weeks by giving my bod the attention it craved and SEEMED to appreciate....I was so naive.
Today I left for school feelin' good. Not tired and sick-ish like I have for a while, and my nose wasn't running! 8am I was strolling to the subway with big plans for library research in the afternoon...when I felt something in my eye. I dug the thing out, and it was a big goop of something - but since I always have morning eye-boogers, I didn't think twice about it. During my first class I noticed that the eye boogers kept coming, and again I ignored it because I wear contacts, and I assumed my eye was just doing it's job maintaining the goop-free eye environment.
Almost immediately after class, around 10:15, I was in the computer lab and realized that my goopy left eye's vision was all fuzzy, like there was a film on it. Went to the bathroom and saw my eye was a little red in the corner. I thought, "well, asshole, this is what you get for sleeping in your contacts", and left it at that.
As the afternoon wore on, the goop my eye was excreting was steadily increasing, and began crusting on my eyelids, and the film-y layer kept coming back. It was becoming harder to ignore. Bathroom trips to look in the mirrors told me the redness was getting worse, and the goop was getting stickier, and harder to wipe away.
2:30pm, I go to my final class, a seminar, and I am very uncomfortable. Eye is BRIGHT RED, eyelids are crusty and SWOLLEN, and the goop is flowing and hardening like magma becoming solid land. It's really icky, and the lack of pain tells me that it's not a scratched cornea or plain irritation. Walking home it finally hits me.
Could not have happened at a worse time. Seriously.
Tomorrow I have an exam review and these things due:
-journal entry about an article about mortuary analysis
-midterm exam essay re-write my teacher was nice enough to offer to let me do
-over-due Biology Lab Report on 7 experiments
-a "comparative sources" section of a term paper that involves me doing some analysis of other people's data
-a "analytical methods" section of a term paper involving me critically analyzing other peoples' analytical methods for research and description of my plans for analyzing data for my term paper
-a site map - map showing all the British Neolithic sites
Ugh. Eye feels weird and goopy. Can't wrap mind around fact that I can't go to school on a WEDNESDAY which is my second favorite school day (Tuesdays are best - and this shit ruined it). I'm going to try to score a doctor's appt tomorrow morning to get some antibiotic drops....but if they don't work TOMORROW, I can't go to my make-up labs that I was planning to attend Thursday (in order to be able to go to chicago!) and I'll miss an important review session for a quiz next week. If they don't work by Friday, I'll miss an exam and a crucial Biology quiz (which I should take Thursday, because if I don't, and go to the lab on Friday, I won't be able to go on the trip) as well as the actual lab that I will be quizzed on NEXT Friday.
Why are you doing this, body? WHYWHYWHYWHY? What's with all the anger? Are you bitter about your soap-less existence? The rareness of showering occasions? What can I do to make things better with us?
So now I just have to wait and see how the responses will be to the MANY e-mails I had to send to profs about my absence. "pink-eye". Does that sound fake?