Inspired by a post by thefirstmrshummel: Dear Blaine

Mar 09, 2011 12:36

Me, like many of (if not, my ENTIRE) flist saw last night and went:

Kurt Hummel, not sexy!?!?!?!

Back to the beginning, when I saw St. Baby Gay do this:

And then got to see it live!

And slap the (perfect, gorgeous) butt:

The supermegafoxyawesomehot that way the Deep!Voice:

Vogue, anyone?

The growl heard 'round the world:

Any doubts of him getting less sexy in S2 flew out the window with this:

Toxic melted my ovaries:

Not even trying here, but going WAY above and beyond the call of SEXY:

That ass...

And who could forget the striptease that was Le Jazz Hot:

And this moron:

Thinks that he can teach our baby about being sexy?

Yeah, ok.

Dear Blaine,

U can't touch this.


Anyone with eyes

Gifs not mine.

kurt, gifspam, glee, sexy

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