Thoughts on a Certain Scene in 2x06

Nov 06, 2010 00:02

 Let me start off with this: I love what RIB did with Teenage Dream. Fucking ace. The music/singing/dancing is fucking ADORABLE!

That being said, we can now look at my favorite part of the scene (of the show, really): Kurt.


I nearly cried when I saw those delighted smiles. I've seen them on Chris' face, never on Kurt's. I can only imagine that this is EXACTLY what Chris looked like when he turned to look around him one day on set and realize that he is loved for who he is.

Now to the point:

I know a lot of people have been raving or ranting about Kurt/Blaine. They either love it or hate it. I'm going to put my own opinion out there. I honestly believe Sam is at least bisexual and he IS the boyfriend we've been waiting for. The scene in the showers? That cinched it for me. Kurt was fucking comfortable talking to this boy and the flirting? Beautiful.

But what about the love Kurt seems to exude in the Teenage Dream video? I don't think it's directed at Blaine. No, I think it's directed at DALTON. Kurt doesn't honestly believe that these boys who are singing and dancing (doing everything he LOVES) can be, not only accepted, but ADMIRED for doing their hearts' desire.

As for the whole, "let's have Kurt transfer for 6 episodes and have him be on the other team for Sectionals"? Fuck you, Ryan Murphy. As much as I want Kurt to be happy and healthy in that gay paradise, he's missing out on his friends. New Directions is nothing without ALL of them. Now we have this bullshit of Kurt leaving? And, what? Is he going to come crawling back after ND wins Sectionals? Fuck you, Ryan Murphy. You wanted to write a character that was strong and could be the person all those kids out there could relate to. So now, instead of having him be strong and persevere, you going to have him go to a private school? Yeah, because every bullied gay kid in the middle of Bumfucknowhere has access to that kind of resource.

Ian Brennan? I implore you to FIX THIS.

spoilers, glee, opinion, rant

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