
Jul 31, 2010 11:00

 I shipping off to Syria on Monday and thought I would show you guys some pics from my last trip from two years ago!

Old Syrian house. All houses use to have courtyards! So pretty!

Me in old Syrian house, explaining why House is the best TV show ever...It was before Glee, obviously.

Obligatory desert :)

Ruins of Palmyra, where Queen Zenobia used to rule!

One of my grandmother's MANY olive trees.

House in the mountain village. We have the best times there!

Backyard of mountain house, where the fig trees are. So yummy :)

Twin and I dicking around in the mountain house. Before you ask, yes those are machetes we got for our birthday and yes those are baby blankets on our heads.

Best part of Syria? The fireworks!

syria, pic spam

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