Feb 15, 2005 07:43
you know i've really been thinking. and i know i do this a lot, but this kind of thinking is different. it's people thinking. usually when i truly hate someone, i really mean it, but i'm starting to think that this person is different. i asked myself last night.."why exactly DO you hate her"? and what was suppose to pop up didn't. nothing came up. i couldn't think of anything, but one reason as to why i hate this person. JEALOUSY. that's it right there. that's the only thing that was keeping me from liking her. and is it fair? no. but has it already happened, yes. can i apologize and make myself look like an idiot because SHE was right the whole time? yes. it's what i feel is right. she may not agree with me, hell she may still hate me, but when someone realizes that they are wrong and they are willing to admit to it...that takes a lot of gut. instead i could just go on and keep hating you and running my mouth about how big of a slut you are,but i'm not going to do that anymore. if it's not the truth then it shouldn't be told. i'm sorry. i don't expect you to make peace with me. this is for me. i guess you can say it's kind of a new technique i'm using to help myself. there has been plenty of words exchanged between us and even though more than half of that stuff that was said we really meant, some of it may have not of been true. whatever you think about this is your own opinion. whether you chose to befriend me or not, is up to you.
good day.