May 27, 2005 14:06
Who was the last person you talked to online? Chelsie Jackson
Who have you known the longest? Lisa n dRoc
Who do you talk to online the most? Leesha
Who do you talk to on the phone most? prolly Roc n Leesh
Who do you trust the most? Alicia, Danielle, Tiffany, Ashley
Who listens to your problems? i bitch to all of them ^^
Who do you fight with the most? Michal
Who is the shyest? my god, none of us are shy
Who is the nicest? lmao... we're all bitches!
Who is the sweetest? all of my friends are sweet
Who is the most outgoing? I've gotta give this one to Roc
Who is the smartest? Alicia
Who is the ditziest? and the award goes to.. dROC
Who is the best singer? Aliciaaa!
WHO WAS THE LAST FRIEND... disappoint you? Christian ask you out? lmao well Roc n I ya know make you cry? Christian
...brighten up your day? Jus seein Leesh, Roc n Tiff...
...that you thought about? the last friend I thought about.. hmmm.. Bryan went to the movies with? dROc on saturday night.. but Friday night.. ((Bry, JAy, Kev, Michal, Tim, Terrance, Randy, Steve)) talked to on the phone? Alicia
...who slept in your bed? dROc shared a drink with? Tiff talked to on AIM? Chelsie.. didnt I answer this? saw? Tiffany talked on the phone all night with? Randal
Three Things That Scare Me:
1. spiders
2. growing up
3. being alone
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Roc
2. Leesh
3. Michal n Bry
((all my friends make me laugh, but these 4 the most))
Three Things I Love:
1. my friend
2. sleep
3. feeling loved
Three Things I Hate:
1. myself
2. work
3. bein tired
Three Things I Don't Understand:
1. boys
2. boys
3. boys
Three Things I Want To Be:
1. pretty
2. happy
3. a mom (when im older of course)
Three Things On My Desk:
1. radio
2. fan
3. phone
Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
1. filling this out
2. working
3. gettin ancy.. i want to go home
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. get married
2. have kids
3. feel loved
Three Things I Can Do:
1. a toe touch
2. drive
3. help people whenever they need it
Three Ways To Describe My Personality:
1. sweet
2. caring
3. pessimistic/paranoid
Three Things I Can't Do:
1. say "no"
2. go without sleep
3. stay mad at people
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. incomplete -Backstreet Boys
2. Mr. Mom- Lonestar
3. Take your time -SOS band
Three Favourite Foods:
1. Pierogis! ((hell fuckin yea for Polish!))
2. Lasanga (that doesnt mean that i like Italians)
3. Pizza
Three Things I'd Like To Learn:
1. skydiving
2. to play hockey
3. to play basketball
Three Beverages I Drink Regularly:
1. water
2. water
3. pop on occasion
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. The Elephant Show (Sharon, Louis, n Bram)
2. ^^ other than that movies! The Little Mermaid
3. Bambi!
10 Years Ago, I...
1. was 8
2. didn't have an inground pool
3. had a dog named Nixie
4. went to St. Anne
5. was best friends with Jennie Oakie
5 Years Ago, I...
1. was ending 8th grade
2. played softball
3. had my natural hair color
4. was best friends with Lisa!
5. was OBSESSED over the backstreet boys
Yesterday, I...
1. worked
2. went to dinner for my sister's bday
3. hung out with dROc
4. talked to Randal on the phone
5. fell asleep before midnight
Today, I...
1. almost woke up late
2. am wearing a skirt
3. called Bry to tell him Happy Birthday!
4. had salad for lunch
5. got a blister
Tomorrow, I will...
1. get to sleep in!
2. hopefully go swimming
3. go to Bry's bday party!
4. hang out with Roc with my best friends ever
5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. combos
2. popcorn
3. grapes
4. chips n salsa
5. MILK!
5 Songs I Know all the Words to, Even Without the Music:
1. Incomplete- BSB (actually any BSB song)
2. Monday Mi Amor- Soluna
3. Obsession- Frankie J
4. Mambo number 5- Lou Bega! haha d!
5. summer of 69- Bryan Adams (though I'd like to forget them)
5 Things I Would Do With $10,000:
1. buy an ipod
2. get a good computer
3. put money away for a new car
4. take my friends out for the night
5. Pay for gas
Top 5 Locations I`d Like to Run Away To:
1. NYC
2. Cancun
3. Australia
4. Hawaii
5. London
5 Bad Habits I Have:
1. lound
2. defensive
3. pessimistic
4. paranoid
5. sleeping in tooooo late
5 Things I like Doing:
1. being with friends
3. laughing
4. making other people happy
5. smiling
5 Things I Would Never Wear:
1. clothes that are too small
3. brown with black
4. black with brown
5. tights (unless i was dancing)
5 T.V. Shows I Like:
2. ER
3. Boy Meets World
4. One Tree Hill
5. Who's Line is is Anyway
5 Movies I Like:
1. Priates of the Caribbean
2. The Notebook
3. Van Wilder
4. Napolean Dynamite
5. Miracle
5 Famouse People I'd like to Meet:
1. Paul Walker
2. Oprah
3. George Clooney
4. Julia Roberts
5. Nick Carter
5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. The weekend!
2. I'm making moneyy!
3. Neldy.. enough said
4. I'm gonna hang out with Roc later
5. I believe I have friends that love me
5 Facts about me:
1. I am fun!
2. I love to make people happy
3. I love my friends with all my heart
4. I hate college
5. I hate someone certain.. name withheld
5 Random Thoughts:
1. I should be working
2. is it 5 yet?
3. whats goin on tonight
4. I have to pee
5. Someone called me restricted