So I was watching Lee Majors (Harvey Lee Yearly to those who stalk him) playing Colt Seavers on Fall Guy... And of course swooning and drooling all over the place because when he was about 'that' age, he was the embodiment of what I look for in a man.
Tall, good looking (but with character, Not Pretty), well built (but not over the top or Again, Pretty), charming (but not smarmy), kind of a down-home good ol' boy with a laid back accent and way about him. And of course, good with kids.
Add that "yes ma'am" Southen charmin' way of dealing with women... But even with all the "proper" pluses, he's still human. He has his insecurities, his moments when you just look at him and want to give him a smack for not using his head.
In short, all the flaws and good bits of Mr. Perfect.
Funnily enough, all the same qualities I found so endearing about Marty.
Damned if ol' Harvey isn't a Taurus too. Not just any Taury, oh no, a Cusping Taurus. Though he's an Aries/Taurus cusp instead of a Gemini/Taurus cusp but still...
What is With me n Tauries?
It's not like I go Looking for them. I don't. I just have certain qualities I look for in a guy... Certain traits that make me weak in the knees and just go all gooey inside.
It just so happens that Apparently, those 'certain qualities/traits' are most commonly found in Taurus men.
Of course it could also be said that I actually Get Along better with "my own kind" and Libras.
But for long term, mate material, I seem to end up all moony calf eyed over Tauries.
How this happens, no idea. I'm generally not one of those people that go up to others and go, "Excuse please, but what's your sign? I wanna know cuz if you're a Taurus, I'm gone."
And it seems the grouchier they are, the more likely that I'm going to start seriously looking at them with a dreamy glint of "oooh he's just sooo Nummers!"
Add being kinda fuzzy... And the poor guy will have to beat me away with a large mallet.
Oh and if he shows a warped sense of humor, Oh Em Geee! It's all I can do not to make an ass of myself by turning into a puddle of gibbering old woman jelly.
What does any of this mean? How the hell should I know. I'm just stating the pattern I'm seeing cropping up. A pretty recent pattern too as I didn't really Have a set idea of what I found attractive until I reached my thirties.
My dreamscape was a little weird last sleep...
I dremt something about painting the grass and slosh "I <3 U" but before I wrote who it was I loved, I thought maybe I shouldn't put the name there because Ma would make fun of me. So I just left it as the 'i heart u' and figured he would know who he was. At least I Hoped he would.
I was waiting for Ma and my uncle to come pick me up.
Shortly after I painted the message on the grass they arrived.
Both naked. I was dressed for once but they thought it odd so I shrugged and went in the buff as well.
They were in this big pick-up truck I'd never seen before.
They laid down in the back, still... Almost as if they were dead.
And I was supposed to drive them to some place, where I don't know.
All I know is that they didn't want anybody to catch us, that was why they were laying down in the back.
So I was driving this monstrous truck, my feet barely reaching the pedals. And it was on this bad two track dirt road full of ruts and loose gravel. To make matters worse, the roads were covered in slosh, water and ice in spots. The truck didn't have power steering so I was fighting it the whole time I was driving. All stretched to my fullest and strained by the whole mess, I finally got too tired and worn out to drive.
I put the truck in park and slumped with my head on the wheel thinking how I failed this one little thing.
Ma climbed out of the back and opened the door, she Actually looked concerned about me for once.
"You okay?"
"No, not really."
"You want me to drive from here?"
"Would you... I would really appreciate it."
I woke up as she was climbing into the cab of the truck and I was sliding out of the way... I don't remember if I got out, got into the back or what. I just know I was bone/soul weary and I couldn't keep that monster going and on the road any more.
No idea what, if Anything, it means. Especially considering my uncle, who's been dead for a few years now, was in it the whole time with ma. It was very strange.
I Would say it was about my trying to resign as ma's guardian but that doesn't explain my uncle being there or some of the other aspects.
[shrugs] Who knows. I need to head to bed right now though, so if somebody has an idea about it, feel free to post it in comments.
& my ¢¢