Oddly enough... That's completely and Literally true. Okay not Totally "literally" true... The sticks are in my hair but still... Catchy imagery right?
Imagining me sitting in my over-sized comp chair with a glowering expression because Presumably I didn't Want sticks sticking out of my head.
But I diiid! I put them there! I wanted my hair pulled back and out of my face. And normal means don't usually work well for me. My hair's too thick for most commercial hair clips out and too wild to tolerate things like barettes. And it's too heavy for pretty much any thing else with few exceptions.
The only things that seem to work are the old fashioned bobby pins, elastic bands (though they break pretty quickly) and you guessed it... Sticks. I currently have two horn-like thingies sticking out of the top because I didn't want to do the same old same old and just use one. So I have horns and a tail.
Well, not a Tail tail... A braid going down the middle of my back... Not Quite to my rear yet, but 14 inches of thick fur in a braid is Still pretty impressive I think.
I do have other things to talk about. I just thought that would be an interesting opener.
[chews cheek trying to pick up the thread of thought that ambled off before the impressive feats of fur]
Dreams! That was what I wanted to talk about.
Sorry about that. I'm working through a mig right at the moment and well, I'm a scatter-wit on a good day.
Now it may be something I realized before now, maybe not. And maybe I've talked about it before and again, maybe not.
Regardless... It thought about it today and well, I'm some where between miffed and resigned with myself about it.
My brain/mind/w-e is pretty much like a 2-3 pound screen play writer/editor/director/producer/and audience all rolled into one. It sees something, cannibalizes it, assimilates it into a running story (a.k.a. "Dream") and spits it out at me when I sleep/rest/etc.
Now Sometimes it takes the same story/movie and remakes it over and over again, tweaking it here and there. At others it's a one-viewing deal.
This is mostly referring to non-deep-shit-dreams and just refers to the "fantasies".
And some of these stories I find myself going back to. While Others I let go of as a "I gave them a beginning, now they can go on living their lives without my help" type of deal.
With those, I may check in on them on occasion but mostly, I give them their privacy.
This is hard to explain but it happens a lot with day dreams/fantasies about various fictional characters.
Even before I was being told this character or that one wasn't good enough for me (thanks for the vote of confidence sis but really, how do you know I'd be good enough for Him?) my mind had already watched that movie and let its characters go off on their merry way.
The woman in the Iron Man dream went on having a life with Tony Stark without my interference. She's off keeping him in line and having babies and living happily ever after I would assume. I don't know.
After the one dream, that was all the part I played in the whole thing. I wrote the script, I played out the story and watched the movie and then, like any other film maker I should think, I let it go. I did what I meant to. I wrote a story to keep my mind occupied for a bit and watched it unfurl. That was that. That character, that part, that movie's done now.
Yes I still want to see the next Iron Man. And sure I may start up a whole new movie/story/dream around That one too, but I doubt it will hold my mind's eye any longer than this one did.
Just as I doubt I will be seeing another dream story movie with myself opposite Snake Eyes from G.I.Joe. I might, but I doubt it.
I dremt of him this last sleep and the entirety of the dream covered what I usually have in dreams...
The beginning where the two main characters meet, sparks fly, events take place, the leads fall in love and end up together looking forward to a happily ever after.
And I'm done.
I give them a script, I show them what they're expected to do with it and then I hand them their lives.
Admittedly this last dream had... Glitches... In it as have several others lately again. But all in all, the leads seem to be okay with the outcome so I'll just chalk it up to ad-libbing gone wild and leave it at that. When I originated the "script" it didn't have Any romantic aspects to it. Much as with the "friday the 13th: the series" dream, I was only meant to take a bit part. A background role that had no more point to it than for basically place me in the dream as an observer. No more integral to the dream than a mere plot device or story blip.
Something that bothers me. I have a great deal of control over my dreams usually. Part of why my sleeping seldom accomplishes much is because my brain never fully shuts off.
Most people, when they sleep, their minds go dormant. Yes they dream but Usually it's no more draining than watching a tv show or reading a book to unwind. They don't Lose energy in the doing as it Is supposed to be an Inactive activity. Nothing more than busy work for the mind.
But My brain, My mind does Not go dormant. Or seldom does. It's almost Always alert, awake and watching. Hence why it usually difficult for things to get passed me at odd times of the day when others might be shut down for the night/day.
What that means is... I don't Do unscripted dreams. I don't have ad libs or hiccups in the dreamscape when it's a dream I Chose to have or to write. If it's a story I'm telling myself, it Will go according to what I want it to.
Obviously this isn't about the "I spy with my mind's eye" dreams. The ones I didn't choose or script or even plan on having.
But the actual fantasies... Or Usually so... Those are not supposed to vary or go off script. So it rather... Perturbs me... When they do.
Such as this last one. I was meant to be just an aside character. No romantic entanglements, no side agenda, just a simple straight forward fairly blah background character. That was what I wrote for myself in the script, that was all I Wanted from the script.
I wanted to be a part of a G.I.Joe adventure where I got to see the comings and goings and maybe be a part of the fun and the humor once in a while. Basically a grown-up make-believe with imaginary friends. No "adult" stuff, no real drama, just fluff. I get to watch and awww over Ripcord and Scarlet getting closer, maybe see the Baroness repaired and healed from what happened to her and then get back together with the guy she was madly in love with before all hell broke loose. Maybe see more action and comedy with the crew.
You know... Basically see another G.I.Joe movie inside my head. Only from the inside... Sorta.
So I wasn't too happy that good ol Snake Eyes (who didn't strike me as really interested in having a relationship either) up and decided to be cute and wander off script.
Now I've had ad-libbers in my time. And a little here and there isn't a bad thing. It just meant my mind saw a place that wasn't strong enough in the original script and decided to tighten it up a bit. That isn't a big deal. That's good writing form.
But This... This thing with Snake Eyes and the other characters in the other dreams... This is Not in good writing form. This is a wild shot in the dark; a cluttering up of things that's totally unnecessary and uncalled for. The script was Fine the way it was. It didn't need any changes of That magnitude. A little tightening here and there, a little tweaking to make the story more believable or more sensible, sure. But throwing a Romance in there? WTF?!? How's That gonna 'tighten it up' or make it Less cluttered?
That's like going to the doctor for a check up and ending up with a lobotomy!
It just Doesn't Make Sense! It's an action movie with a Hint of romance Which is Already taken care of with Duke/Anna and Ripcord/Scarlet thank you very much! Adding Another romantic subplot would just make the whole thing fall down the toilet.
It would be like having one of the autobots decide to start humping a steamer... What.Thee.Hell?
Or like Indiana Jones up and decide to add match maker, baking and pottery turning to the adventuring, exploring, teaching And womanizing... You'd be sitting there going, "Okay now What now?"
Or Lara Croft taking up quilting bees and topiary and being a tour guide for Better Homes & Gardens while out-swimming man eating sharks and out-gunning baddies... It makes no damned sense at all.
Oh... Wait... That was "Mr. & Mrs. Smith".
Well obviously I've made my point there clearly enough. (I liked the movie by the way, but it wasn't Supposed to make sense in the normal sense of the word.)
So. Since I'm Obviously Not happy with the turn of events... I mean sure I enjoyed being wooed by Snake Eyes but that was Not part of the script and that bugs me no end when things aren't according to plan. After all, it's My head, My sleep, My dream. It's not like I have any control over the Rest of my existence here. My stories, my scripts... They're all I have control over.
So why the hell are they ignoring the writer, director, producer, and all around boss of the whole damned sheebang and going way the fuck Off Script?!?
[fumes at the willful stubborn jacks and jakes for not doing what they're supposed to]
Okay... That turned into a very unstructured rant. I apologize. I had been planning on going a Totally different route with that buuut... Yeah. That didn't happen.
Sorry bout that.
I go rotate eggies now.