Oct 18, 2004 14:22
Want to hear something interesting... according to my bone mass and stuff I should weigh 129.. which is exactly what I weigh.. and which is alot better than 139 which is what one ideal weight thing said i should be. i think i'll stick with 129. i don't understand me right now.. i'm so messed up in a way but not all at the same time. i can see me slipping backwards which isn't something i'm doing technically on purpose. its just happening. the never stop moving, always fidgiting, not eating too much, drinking a whole helluva lot of tea pattern is slowly arising again. so why don't i just make it go away? cause i don't know if i can.. i don't know if i know how to yet. its interesting.
on a different note.. tara's party last night was interesting. Luke: "I find it kind of funny how everyone else's drink in the room has vodka in it.... and you are drinking hot tea." Yup, everyone else got a little tipsy *Especially Tara, and Luke it was funyn to watch* and I drink hot tea, and ghetto-aide as Luke called it. But against everyones beliefs Tara didn't freak me out last night. It was cool.
Sometimes I swear I'm like bipolar or manic or something like that. I used to be on meds for bipolar.. but I kinda took myself off of those cause they made me weirder than I am. But my thinking patterns have been soo crazy lately I don't know what to do with them. I go from being happy to being pissed off in the blink of an eye to being upset or giddy. Its weird.. or I can be more than one at once. Though I'm doing alright with not showing too much of it I think. No wait.. I got it.. I'm neurotic.. lol We're studying this now in Psychology Personalities and its soo me... weird...
So on November 3rd I'm going to have possibly 3 exams.. History at 8, Psych at 9, and Bio at 11.. someone shoot me now and save me the trouble..and the bullets?
I got a halloween costume!! I'm gunna be a Pirate! Woot!
Heh its kinda funny.. J has been freaking me out a lot lately with what he's been saying.. but not freaking me out enough for me to run away.. I'm kinda accepting what he's saying. Its something that I've never done for very long before. Wonder how long til I drive him insane? Lol. Cause from the sounds of it he wants to stay around for quite a while... hmm..
I have bio lab soon.
Its hard when you want to help someone really bad but you know the only way you can help them is by letting them help themselves.
Tara asked me a question last night and really made me think. We shared some stories and scars last night... but I wonder if she'll even remember the conversation come later today. Though, I have a feeling whether she remembers it or not.. we'll be having more. Tara's really cool I wouldn't mind hanging out with her more often.
J made a good point last night.. maybe the reason why I can't truly help myself to the point of getting over everything is because I'm supposed to help others first and then help myself. Its kind of backwards and I don't know if I said that right but it kind of makes sense.
And I can ramble in here forever today for some reason. I really haven't been wanting to use DW lately.. it feels weird to write in it.. and I haven't been making my posts friends only either which is weird. Which also gets me to not post a whole lot like I used to.
Hmm wonder whats going on tonight.
I probably should start studying for Sociology since i have a test on wednesday and my schedule tomorrow is crazyness that I love and welcome.
heh i created a new journal to ramble about all the thoughts that I don't want anyone else to know of... and I can't remember my user name.. funny huh?
Argh noise in here is really starting to bug me. And I'm very confused at the moment but whatever, its not important.
Still have 20 minutes to BS before Bio lab. Maybe I'll go and bum around on the internet. I think I took up enough time and space here. Bye!