Dec 10, 2004 17:23
AH! So today Meaghan harped on me about eating and my body image.. and them my mom harped on me and ACCUSED ME of burning myself cause I ACCIDENTLY burned myself with my flat iron the other day and it left a mark. "Well burning leaves a mark and hurts for a while.. so why not?" Thanks Mom. Thanks Meaghan. UGH! I'm in an UBER sour mood which is only going to get worse cause my mom wants to go and visit my grandparents who I dispise to "visit" and get cards from relatives.. and my father. I HATE CHRISTMAS IT IS THE WORSE THING INVENTED! I wish I could crawl into a hole and die. And I want to cry and I don't even know why. I'm not PMSing or anything.. I'm just soo -down- today and I don't know why. Maybe its the weather since it sucks, or the overload of this week and whats to come next week that I'm at my breaking point. All I know is that I haven't been eating much of anything, and I don't sleep all too much.. unless I'm at JJ's... I probably sleep the most there than anywhere. I dont know whats wrong with me. Why wont it stop. I hate being like this I really do. I'm going to go and cry now I think. Bye!