My good entry that I forgot to write!

May 11, 2006 13:10

You know you go to Bryant when:

- You have laptop parties the first week as a freshman
- Students tell you they are a Psychology or English major and you raise an eyebrow
- You've had at least one classroom for two different classes
- South or Salmo--the eternal question
- You start avoiding walking under ladders, arbors, overhangs...archways in general
- You know eight Laurens, ten Ryans, and at least three people with variations of the name "Kate"
- Your blood alcohol level is higher than your GPA
- Your tuition goes primarily towards grounds upkeep, flatscreen tvs, six ESPN channels, and three HBO channels
- While at school, you have been kicked off of the internet more than 8375959832 times
- You have stood outside freezing in your pajamas due to the wayward fire alarm between the hours of 1 and 5 in the morning
- You sometimes check the DPS log for someone you know
- You have a facebook picture with your mouth at the bottom of the luge
- You know no one REALLY makes it Around the World
- You see three girls with black puffy jackets with fur on the hoods, jeans, and Ugg boots, walking next to each other
- The tanning joint is likely the most successful business plan
- You have the ability to order pizza delivered straight to your dormroom door at 2am on a Saturday night, but deep down you know it won't come for another two hours
- Your umbrella breaks because of the wind
- Your campus has a problem with geese and berries
- You might as well study in the dining hall on a Tuesday night, because there's nowhere to sit in the library
- All your classes are in one building
- You are in love with Marge
- You know people who count how many tacos they ate on Taco Thursday
- You've eaten a meal with the President
- Suddenly blonde hair became a dominant genetic trait
- Stark divisions exist between fans of Yankees and Red Sox, and whether you pop or do not pop your collar
- You know that the majority of the viewing audience of the OC is on your campus
- Your RAs aren't that strict
- You're wondering where your Accounting textbook is, so you can go get an eighth of the price you paid for it at the bookstore
- You hate Bentley...purely competitively, of course
- You hate Bentley because you were accepted and it cost more to go there than here
- You know most Communication majors are really liberal arts students that ended up at the wrong school
- Orientation food owns
- Academic Advising is the primary cause of nervous breakdowns on campus each semester
- You can't get a job because you're a Management major...just like everybody else
- You're afraid to sit on furniture in the study lounge
- You're in a facebook group obsessed with looks: hot people, popped collars, ugly people, etc.
- Brunch is the most important meal of the day on weekends
- You have slept through brunch and been fuckin pissed
- You never get your mail
- You delete 90% of your emails without reading them, and that's why your car was towed from 16 lot and you don't know why
- No matter how much an event may suck, if it's advertised: FREE JUNCTION--you're there
- In terms of attire, the words "formal" and "casual" are usually preceded by "business"
- You're now thinking about your complete suit you keep on campus, with substitutions of dress shirts, ties, khakis, skirts, or heels

Alllrighty, that's enough for now--back to studying for Macroeconomics with Bates! Feel free to comment with any more ^_~
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