Jan 10, 2006 07:30
love hurts sometimes..but if it didnt..itd be worried..cause then it really isnt what it is..
damn im to sleepy for this..been up since 5:30...went to the gym and worked out with the guys...tacked onto the 3 miles i ran last night.
somethign about running at night...in a place thats securly gated by men with guns and amo..and video camera's every where..that makes you feel all safe and snug..
it was beautiful outside tho..all the stars were out..and i was out running in shorts and a t-shirt and beanie....it was so beautiful to be by myself for one.
theres some things in me i cant change...like the way i feel for her....
<3 april 1st<3
damn my body hurts...work will deff. suck today