We haven't seen a thing, we still don't know where it is.

Sep 23, 2008 18:30

Well, I guess that everyone probably knows by now anyway, but I've been wanting to settle this for a long time.

And I guess this is probably the best place to do it, since everyone important to me has one.

First of all, you probably all know that Wendy is gone to.. where ever. I don't even know. It's third world, it's got starving kids, and I don't know when she's going to come back. She went without asking me until the arrangements were already done, and now I guess it's too late to take it back, isn't it? We're not broken up, but we're on a break until she comes home, and then we're going to.. go from there.

Second, I am pregnant. I've been pregnant since the end of school last year, so I'm about four or five months now, I guess. Some of you knew that, some of you didn't, now you all do. It's a girl, and her name is going to be Jessica. My parents don't know, Eric's mom does.

Third, I've been with Eric since about the middle of last year. And I still am. We're a legitimate couple, believe it or not. And obviously, for those who hadn't figured it out, he's the father.

I'm sick of sneaking around, and I'm sick of trying to hide everything, and I'm ready to just.. let it all out, you know?

My girlfriend already left me because of her Messiah Complex, to go and be a self appointed savior of the world. I don't remember who appointed her the world's savior, exactly, but it wasn't me. She should mend her own backyard first. So how much worse can it really get? Really?

And I think that's everything I have to say right now.

I don't want to hear any shit over any of this, by the way. I know I've screwed up, and I don't want everyone to remind me.
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