Hey, people! This is
buffychit, here, bringing you news of a -- you guessed it -- new layout. Where? Why, at
eyes4sark, of course!
One little note: Jesus hates me. That's why you'll notice the background color doesn't perfectly match the header. I tried my darndest, but.. hopefully it won't be too much of an "AHHWHATWHYIHATEYOU" thing.
Oh, and...
Candice, I made a boo boo. See, I was trying to upload the default icon for this layout, but when I deleted one, all it did was activate and older one and now the 3 spaces are taken up again! So, uh, I'm leaving the icon here in the post for you to hold onto incase you know how to cheat the system. Otherwise.. oopswayubersorry!
I guess that's all for me to report.. Oh! Except.. Candice is awesome.
Go check out
-Trina (