Jul 21, 2009 17:21
Okay, so I'm innocently twittering when a tweet catches my eye.
Apprently, I can never ever pretend (EVER) that the charcaters of fall out boy whom we know and love are OUT OF CHARACTER?! According to the queen of live journal;
"Two fics, both chaptered, and so, so out of character and horribly, "PETE AND PATRICK BROKE UP SO NOW PATRICK WANTS JOE." "
My fic isn't even a Pete and Patrick so now Patrick wants Joe thing. I only posted two chapters how can she judge my shit already?!
And also...
"One is by someone I know, and have beta'd for in the past but clearly never listened to a fucking word I said. "
Apprently, I'm a fucking idoit and being told so by someone I actually had respect for. Like, how could you talk shit on twitter? Why the fuck did I sign up? and what the fuck?! That other Fic she's talking about, I read and commented and actually liked it. So apprently everything has to be down to the fucking T detailed and realistic or you fucking suck in her eyes and she posts it on TWITTER?!
I don't need to name any names, I'm mostly hurt but then just mostly upset.
I am a big fan of her fics and have never EVER judged them or told her I didn't like the way she phrased it or the concept, there are plenty of fics out there. Some are kick ass and others aren't so much, I read the ones I like. And unfortunitly I posted in her community so what can I really do...
This is bullshit.
And the other author does not deserve it either, it's plain up and down not nice. If that's the case she can take down my fic or something. I'm off for the day.