The Next Big Thing!!!
I just want to ask everybody who sometimes reads this to take a good long look at the following website: The National Initiative for Democracy is a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as a proposed federal law which are currently gathering votes for enactment by popular vote of the people. Their joint aim is to create a fourth branch of the government, a direct-democratic legislative branch.
Seriously, give it a look. I already voted yes. I think you should too. I just spent like two hours going over the Act, reading the commentary, and getting to know what looks like a really excellent plan for our country moving forward as a true, modern democracy. It will bring the relevance back into voting. It's beautiful.
(If you want,
Mike Gravel's official website also has some stuff on this... he is also currently working on a campaign to get this to happen in South Korea, whose constitution unlike ours already explicitly allows amendment by direct initiative of the People, and whose government may be less able to mount opposition to such an act if passed.)