of all the fakes, the slaps in the face, the insults...

May 08, 2006 19:25

You are the biggest fake I have ever had the trouble of knowing. You know who you are, there is no need to inclose names, addresses, or phone numbers. Not that I wouldnt do that, but my better judgement is telling me not to! My righteouse side! But that doesnt mean I am not pissed with you! you know your plan all along! you turn family away from family. You start sh*t with everyone, and then you have the nerve to get angry with others? You are nothing but a spoiled little insecure brat! I dont know why I even gave you the chance in the first place! I THOUGHT maybe if I'd put my past feelings aside, stop holding grudges, then we'd be a lot better! but just because i started talking to you, doesnt mean im naieve, or an idiot! you've done this to me and my family for the last time! we are not stupid, and you are not smart! no where near as smart as you think you are, and want to be! of all the fakes and posers in the world, you are the worst ive ever known. congrates! cue the balloons, and cheers! cheers for sweet revenge that is! You are insecure, an attention whore, lonely, desprite, and worst of all ruthless, no....worst of all pride less! you have no respect for anyones home, and family, but yet you expect such from people you disrespect? are you outta you f*ckin mind?! you must be wacked! dont try that sh*t over here! and everyone feels bad for that situation, for that misfortune! but that doesnt mean that she has to be nasty about it. WE didnt kill anything! we were over here praying for it, and tried to be nothing but helpful to her in her time of need. but once again the door was slammed in our faces, but this time, by her! well, i have absolutely no problem with disowning you, or anyone else! For years, ive been pretending that the other side of my family were dead, what makes you think i cant pretend you are? it would sure ba a lot easier than dealing with the truth, that is, that you are a selfish, rude, incondierate, brat. and you need a lot of " friends" to make up for your insecurites! but what you need most is GOD, and secondly, a therapist and good shots of depression drugs.....right in the a$&! well.....i think Im done here. see you later. God bless, faker!

dont ever mistreat me idiot

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