Aug 20, 2008 21:53
Some of you may not be aware of this, but there is in fact a Mafia made up of Spiders throughout the world. They operate in secret, "whacking" people, extorting innocent spiders and other bugs and generally doing what they want. The Bat Police won't do anything about it because the Spiders have infiltrated the cops and bought off the ones who wouldn't give up. Those that attempt to fight back wake up with a fly's head in their beds.
Well, Karen pissed them off. Seriously pissed them off. She attempted to "give one a bath" today and nearly killed him. Normally I wouldn't be worried, but she laughed, and i know the mob, and we are in for a late night. I have to keep constant watch for them...they're sneaky and icky and 8-legged.
So, watch out for any spiders in your neighborhood, they may be connected.
Please be careful everyone!