Sep 11, 2003 11:28
Today is the second year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Two years ago according to all sources; a radical group known as Al Quada attacked the U.S by hijacking four seperate aircraft, crashing two of them into the New York World Trade Centers, one into the Pentagon itself and one ended up crash landing into a field in PA because of the heroics of some of the passengers on board; still no-one knows where this plane was destined (although some people suggest the White House, itself)
People are already asking "Where were you when the U.S was attacked?" Well I still remember it vividly... I'd woken up at 3pm GMT, due to being stuck in bed with flu, had gone to my bathroom to wash up and get dressed and just caught a glimpse of it on Sky News... I'd actually forgotten which channel on T.V I was watching the previous night and believed I was watching a commercial for "Independance Day 2" or something; little did I realize that Americans were being attacked on their home soil at the time... When I did finally realize what was going on, I'll be honest. Fear struck me deep in my heart, literally... I felt it well up inside me, not only because this came as a complete shock to me like it did everyone else but also because I have very many friends and some people I'll even go as far as to call FAMILY in the U.S.A and I was fearing for all their safety. I even had a friend in NY itself... Who, I now realize I've not heard from since that day.
Two years on and some if not all Americans are still trying to come to terms with these events and some are (quite rightly so too) still not over it. Hell, I'm still not and I keep my eye on the news channels everyday, have done so since then. But the thing that wells up inside me now isn't fear, or hurt... But more courage and anger. I don't sit here thinking "What if another attack were to happen? OH GOD!" I sit here thinking "I'm ready, if another one comes"... I think about what would happen if it were to happen over here on MY "homeland", where I'M living right now and the only thing I could think of would be not to run away but to be like the hundreds/thousands of couragous men and women on 9/11 and go to help those in need of it... And I'm sure some of you would definitely do the same.
Right now, whether you're religious or not... As you read this today I ask you to think about those who passed away on September Eleventh 2001; whether you're American or not... Think about those emergency service members who risked their own lives (and some unfortunately lost) to rescue and save not only people trapped, lost or stuck but THEIR HOME. And pray to whomever it is you pray to... That it doesn't happen again, or to you...
R.I.P: All those whom risked and lost their lives in the line of duty or just as innocent victims of this severe attack. On September 11th 2001. - We will never forget.