(no subject)

Jan 28, 2009 16:10

Snow is falling here...HEAVILY! Class was cancelled tonight, I'm not too disappointed, driving in this crap makes me nervous.

Well last Thursday night Ken's Memere passed away. It was a blessing as she had been in the hospital, had suffered a heart attack and already had kidney problems. She was a feisty lady, who spoke her mind and ruled her family even at 90 years old. I'm very glad she got to meet Eden. I'm also glad that the family had one last Christmas with her. Her funeral was VERY Catholic. I'm always amazed at the pomp and grandeaur of French Catholic "occasions". The singing was beautiful and designed to bring on tears. She would have liked it, she was very into the religious thing.

I was going to go to the gym tonight but it's just too crappy out....

I did 7 loads of laundry today and there is still all the babies things to do. That's probably 3 more loads. Maybe I can get Ken to do it?

I learned how to do some more Math that I couldn't figure out. The college has tutoring sessions that are free which is very handy. Maybe I'll work on some Math homework...hmmmm or maybe not....

My son is huge, our camera is lost, I still say it's at Ken's aunt's but she says not, so I can't post pics of him for awhile....I will get another one when I get paid. I need to keep better track of things...it makes me mad I didn't check to see we had it before we left her house. uhhhh. oh well at least they're cheaper now than they used to be.
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