(no subject)

Jan 03, 2009 16:34

Remembering my resolutions....

Hard not to hate Math but I need to perservere....Bleh
Hard not to dislike get togethers with pushy people....Bleh
Hard to find shoes for wearing to the gym and this aids in the procrastination of going...Bleh
Hard to not complain...Bleh


I dislike how all the apps I need on my calculator need to be downloaded and I foolishly bought my calculator without the USB cable and of course my camera one and all the other ones lying around my apt. are not compatable...can you tell this is Math procrastination. Damn graphing and solving inequalities and linear programming. Let's be honest who the fuck cares about a damn line and the points on it or not on it or included and not included or whatever...stupid pointless crap to take up space in my brain that could be used for better things.

By the way I read all 4 books of the Twighlight series. I'm still a geek, I still love vampire stories and these pleased me a great deal, even more than I expected. I'm kinda sad I read them so fast, now they're over and no book catches my interest right now...I'm almost afraid it will be a let down after such entertaining fare.

My son is hilarious today, we went out for breakfast and he began "singing" really loudly in the restaurant. I swear he LOVES music so when it's playing he hums or ahhs along...LOUDLY and people look...then when they realize it's a baby they laugh. He was just doing it because the show Ken's watching had some song on it. Cracks me up....

Well I best go and purchase some more formula, diapers, rice cereal and oh yeah...shoes. Then over to the get together...meh...maybe today they won't mention that we don't have a house or ask what Ken's plans are...and then give unsolicited advice...here's hoping...here's hoping I'm polite and not sarcastic...Remember the resolutions Jessica...REMEMBER!!!!


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