Aug 29, 2005 00:52
Hmm, I just had a thought as I fed my pre-slumber craving for food...Having a late night snack is very much like cheating (as if I knew what cheating was like): You're seduced by the sweet, tasteful, drool-inducing item of food, get carried away in the moment and devour the sweets like an eating nymphomaniac, later to feel extrodinarily guilty, ugly, and fat. And just when you thought you couldn't feel worse, the powdered sugar remnants of that delightful donut on your fingers remind you of your sinful late night affair with junk food.
Whatever, I don't care...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I'll eat as many donuts as I want, gosh darnit.
Anyway, it was just another twisted thought I had while feeding my fat belly...Especially when I turned to find a nutritious banana staring back at my donut-stuffed face...I couldn't have felt more guilty...haha. Oh well, I'm about to eat so much cake for my birthday. Goodnight all!