(no subject)

Sep 17, 2005 22:56

After larding around for few months, and contemplating on selling one of my limbs or kidneys to pay all my bills and my car damages, i got a call from this lady offering me a job with a decent pay. She's a friend of my mom's, so yea i'm a brat i got the job through recommendation. Coming to think of it most of my jobs were through connections and recommendations. serious shite, connections is soo crucial!

Oh the perils and sorrow of working life, first thing i got to wake up uber early and take the shitty public transport (public transport here is a pain, like a hardcore stampede) cos my new workplace is across the
other side of town and it wouldnt be wise to waste gas and parking fees. I used to wake up past noon so
this whole new routine is just making me all sulky. secondly this job is only a 3 month contract (good thing i
don't think i can even last there for 1 month) for a magazine publishing company. its a huge company so they can give me the figures i want, which is rare these days since they usually pay designers shite money.

First day was just shitty, i didn't know the lady who got me the job was ze big boss in the company, i thought she was the supervisor or the head of the department, turns out everyone fears and hates her. when they utter her name they seem to have a bitter taste in their mouth like bluerrghhhh. then they found out
that i got the job cos i'm the boss's friend's kiddo. they didn't seem to take it well. Everyone seemed to have been working there for 2/3 of their sorry life, cos they're hella old, married with kids and seemed to have decorated their desktops and desks with their kids pics all over. Its like "wtf this younger newbie is prolly a spy from ze Boss and how easy for her since she's all chummy with ze Boss" So i didn't do shite the whole day, cos they had this jurassic mac that doesn't have all the programs and the files were in other servers shite like that. They just told me to chill out and they'll get some puter guy to sort it out, so they all got busy and forgot bout me. i didn't wanna sound like an over eager beaver so i just sat there fighting not to fall asleep and counting the hours for sporadic ciggie breaks.

Then later on ze lady Boss walks in to ask how i'm doin and i'm like errrr just waiting for the machina to get sorted and the lady asks this guy who was the head designer wots goin on? and he is this old fat dude who seemingly hates me more now. He stammered and said i was working on some stuff, i'm like pfffft i wish i was! wot a way to cover his arse! then ze Boss says why not he let me use his mac and he transfer all his
work to the jurassic mac, i'm like uhhh ohhh. his face got uber sulky, to which ze Boss summoned all em designer old timers to her meeting room for a thorough nagging. i was like ohh noo, i got all these old ppl in trouble! i bet they were all happy and dandy till i showed up. Then old fat dude comes back and gets all
puffed up and cranky and said "well i'll just use this ancient mac whilst Nat can use my mac, by the rate i'm goin i'm never goin to finish my work, its not MY fault then"

I never figured i would be the one on this end, being the 'special kid who's the boss's fav' where majority thinks i'm ruining their perfect tea party, i'm supposed to be 'just one of em ppl'. But i would never be mean to someone on the first few weeks of work. i know how awkward it is being in a new environment. I dread Mondays now. The only thing that fuels me is to think of the figures by the end of the month,that is if i make it there till then.
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