System Retardo

Dec 16, 2004 14:04

The postal service is uberrr sloww and anal this month, it's expected, but in addition to that, the whole system and
the working ethics of ppl here just blows!! Today i went to send off a few Christmas parcels to send off to my friends
and family. There was this 120 year old decaying old bag behind the counter. I asked her bout the various postal
methods,like registered post, express, etc. She was sooooo senile!! and told me that there's no diff, i asked which is
safer cos i don't mind paying more to secure my parcels and she was like...oh don't ask me all this cos i don't know
and i need to go to the restroom! i was like WTFFFF rusty cuntbag! And she weighed my parcels incorrectly, as she
carried her old bag self away i asked another lady all the questions and to weigh my parcels again. I was soo pissed
off by this old bag i will soo complain bout her rusty ass. So i looked around for the complaint or suggestions form,
but there wasn't any so i went to asked at the counter and they sheepishly said ohh we ran out of that long time ago.
This is sooo expected on how 'these' ppl work. Even if i wrote a kazillion complaint letters, its still not ever goin to
change the whole system here, because those ppl here and we know damnn right who they are, those ninjas and
bowling pinheads work with a mental blockage, a huge clot of laziness and stupidity.

I hope alll my parcels will reach my friends and family in one piece, cos one time Timm and Tomo sent me
something and it got losted in the mail!! never to be found until today! and to add more injury Timmtimmons
once got me a nice Emily hoodie which he tooked a pic of and i never got it!!

So X-mass is next week or so, i'm dead broke and i have no plans, my cousin is coming home from Italy for X-mass so
it would be nice to see her and my aunt is giving me a laptop too! Something to look forward to.

I'm handing in my application possibly by tomorrow, i'm soooooo scared i will have a nervous breakdown
everyday starting from tomorrow. I still need to write a letter of undertaking.
How do i write anymore proper?
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