Oct 25, 2006 20:07
I'm kind of stressed because I haven't taken Art 105 and Art 106, which are like basic classes that I really don't need. I am going to have to talk to some people and see if I can get faculty consent to take some of these classes. They all sound fucking mazing.
ART 301 - Introduction to Painting
Prerequisites: ART 105, 106, 115, 116.
Basic problems in painting structured to develop technical and intuitive skills, and to allow for experimentation in a variety of media.
ART 305 - Drawing and Composition
Prerequisite: ART 105, 106, 115, 116.
Further study of drawing with a focus on the development of observational and formal skills through an emphasis on spatial structures and the organization of pictorial space.
ART 321 - Introduction to Sculpture
Prerequisite: ART 105, 106, 115, 116.
6 studio.
Introduction to concepts, materials, and processes of sculpture. This course explores both figurative and non-figurative issues in three dimensional art.
ART 341 - Introduction to Printmaking
Prerequisite: ART 105, 106, 115, 116.
6 studio.
An introduction to printmaking as a media for visual expression. Traditional techniques such as intaglio, relief and silkscreen are offered utilizing hand-drawn, photographic or digital sources.
Note: Formerly ART 325.
ART 351 - Introduction to Photography
Prerequisite: ART 105, 106, 115, 116.
An introduction to photography as a fine art medium; emphasis on black and white photography utilizing a manual 35 mm camera. Students will learn how to develop film, process prints and gain insight into visual literacy.
ART 381 - Introduction to Fiber/Mixed Media
Prerequisite: ART 105, 106, 115, 116 or faculty consent.
6 studio.
This mixed media course introduces fiber and fabric materials and processes. Emphasis is placed on the interconnectedness of fiber to other media - painting and printing on fabric, collage and photo imagery on cloth and sculptural form in fiber.
ART 371 - Introduction to Graphic Design
Prerequisite: ART 105, 106, 115, 116.
3 lecture, 3 lab.
The development of graphic design as a distinct practice including design theories with emphasis on the 20th century, modernist, postmodernist and semiotic perspectives.