Jul 24, 2005 22:06
well lets c, grambo is bak, the old grambo at least. the grambo who use to have fun with anything that was given to him..well if u havent found out, yeah jenna broke up with me after everything ive done 4 her...to b honest i rele do think sal is right about girls. all they do is dick u over no matter how hard or how much you try. fuck it, im rele done with being the nice guy. w/e at least ive learned something outta this. fucking dont trust bitches and always b there 4 ur friends. my firnds fucking make my life and each and every1 of em are the fucking best. couldnt b hapier. well im in the mood for writing in this thing....my tour is coming soona nd i am so excited, i finally started to work at jouyrneys in the sunrise mall, so if u wanna say hi stop by , im working almost every day. well besides that, my band is rele not sucking that much any more, its rele fucking chill. im rele happy now how everythong is goin. believe me, the fbtmof show wasnt even ruined, wat was suppose 2 b my worst day because i lost everything became my best day yet. (o yeah and fucking michelle lost my hat, but i still love her) well life is sik and everyuthng is ment for a reason....but i do wanna find some 1 chill....
things i wish i could find in a grl...
1. actually like the whole scene shit
2. will support me in everythin
3. will actually deal with me
4. actually be my friend, some1 who i can relate 2
5. some1 who likes dancing
6. and some1 who i can share all my same interest with for example, my friends, my band, dancing shows, biking i dunno the works
fuck all of this ...i want some1 who actually care and mean what they say!
next show of my band is august 2ond
please come!