I'm so fucking sick of this. Every other fucking commercial is that fucking "Worship Together" Christian bullshit...
Religion today is getting out of hand. Usually I don't voice my opinion on the subject anymore....I get the whole "You're going to hell" speech from someone I've never heard of but feels the need to come tell me that because I don't believe in Orginized Religion. Why do they ever call it Orginized? I mean yea you have all these rules to follow....and if you break the rules you won't get the "wonders" of Heaven.
I'm just really sick of it. I think if everyone who had some religious belief ...whatever...fine....BUT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
Why the fuck does everyone have to believe in the same thing according to the Christians..and the Mormans...Catholics...There's something to talk about the teachings of Catheol...as said by a man that looks better in make up than I do ^ ^
That is one of the most annoying religions....Gah...
Anyway...I'm going to bed...See you all tomorrow or something