Sick Because I Don't Get Huged Enough.

Jan 04, 2008 13:21

So I’ve been trying to post something for a couple of days now, but my laptop has been pretty shitty and I end up accidentally deleting everything. So here I go again, with one more try….

It’s a new year.  And in good hopes, I wish it is a good one.  Every year is always so different.  We grow as people and learn more about ourselves.  We grow close to others and learn and experience new things.  I am more than sure, that we will all experience this as we come into the year 2008.  New Years resolutions?  Hm…well I don’t know about you, but I’m always really bad with that sort of stuff.  It’s one thing to say “I’m going to change something about myself” and another to actually have the motivation to go through with it, or to at least continue with your resolution longer than just the first month.  I currently have something in mind.  It was actually somebody else’s idea; going off of something I had said to them. But we’ll see of that actually happens.  I’m lazy and I know that I’m going to need that motivation.

On a different note, I was watching the news last night and it made me realize how happy I am to be living here in Canada.  I mean, yeah I complain a lot of our politics, but with the whole thing going on in Pakistan with the assassination of one of their Prime Minster candidates (female at that!), watching all of this makes me sick.  All the rebellions, the violence, all of it…it’s revolting and highly disturbing.  It actually made me quite depressed watching it all.  I just don’t understand and I don’t think that I ever will.

There’s a few of us having our birthdays early in the year.  I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that time just flies by to fast.  Just the other day it kicked in that I was turning 20.  No, that’s not old, but it feels just like yesterday that I was 16.  I was talking to a friend, a younger friend; just turned 16.  She was telling me about all these parties she’s gone to and is going to.  Telling me these boy stories, and well, and it reminded me of when I was that age.  Reminded me of when I used to go out partying every weekend, the crazy parties I used to go to.  I did some pretty stupid things back then, but I must admit that it was all in good fun.  The people I hung out with then….ahaha, yeah!  I don’t regret anything and I don’t regret being friends with them (even though some of them hut me badly) but it helped me grow as a person.  It now makes me look at people in a different way.  We don’t need any toxic people in out lives.  (Ahaha, yeah I stole that from you! =P)  But it’s true!  And I had to go through a lot of heart ache to realize that.  It’s amazing what a couple of years can do to a person.

This all probably sounds a little random and disorganized, and I notice that as I read over it.  I’ve noticed that a lot these days.  I’m always al over the place.  I probably need to work on that.  Ahaha, another resolution?  Oh my….

Well, happy new year to all!  See you all soon!
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