I'm old now, as of yesterday.
Birthdays are basically meaningless from 22-25. At 25 you get a car insurance rate cut. That's what I'm looking forward to.
I'm sitting here waiting for Talwin to show up, so I can listen to his sunday night shoutcast.
If he shows up, I'll edit this and link you folks to it. Not that I have any friends but it may be entertaining.
Well, I hope everyone's doing well.
My little brother got out yesterday for our birthday. We share the same day, two years apart. He's been in a meth rehab clinic for 45 days now, was in jail before that.
I'm hoping he pulls together, I really like the guy when he's clean.
Thanks to Micah, I found this.
I miss April a lot. She's been gone on family vacation for a week, but I haven't seen much of her since March.
I've been reading through the
PostSecret site. I know I've been through so much in my life that most people wouldn't be able to make it through, yet I feel so glad that I haven't delt with some of these things. I pray that many of them are fake.