Nick's Video

May 13, 2004 15:33

After hours of debating whether or not it was worth seeing, I decided to watch the Nick Berg Video. All I can say is that it seems so unreal. While I watched, I felt like I was watching a bad student film. For me, accepting that there are actual people in this world who could do something so ungodly is like accepting that there really is such a thing as monsters. But it also proves that they are the monsters. And Americans aren’t so immaculate either. We have our own demons to deal with. I just don’t understand how someone can have such an empty soul. How can someone be driven by so much hate? How can you not feel, when you murder and innocent person in cold blood? I wonder what its like to not have a conscious. To not have one thought about that persons family, or life or how scared and helpless they must feel pass through their minds. This mans purpose in going to Iraq was to help better their lines of communication, and they slaughtered him like an animal. They killed someone who was risking his life to help their country. The term, "Be better than your enemy", doesn’t mean to be a better killer, it means, to be a better person. Since they deem all Americans the devils lackeys, they had a fine opportunity to prove their point when the Iraqi POW photos surfaced. They could have proven to the world that Americans were the animals, whom are lower than dirt. But this act is far more barbaric than any naked photo. I understand their angry in regards to the photos of the Iraqi POW’s, but it still isn’t enough to drive a man to wake up one morning and decide that beheading an innocent man is proper and justifiable vengeance. I thought these people were firm believers in Karma. Nick Berg must have been terrified, and he looked like he stayed courageous and strong until his final moment, and I pray that his family and friends gets through this horrible ordeal ok. This whole situation makes me sick inside......

This war needs to end.
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