
Apr 04, 2006 09:24

hey everyone!
Well i haven't written in this thing for a really long time so i figured i would. Senior year...not really what i expected it to be but i guess that's the way it is in everyones life. Movies build it up to be something great and in the end it's just another year of school on the road to your future job. Isn't that fun? I've had some great times this year don't get me wrong and there are a few left to come but i'm really just ready to get out of school and move on with my life. In the past year i've grown closer to three ppl and i love them all so much because with out them in my life these past couple of years i wouldn't have made it. So thanks Sarah, Dom, and Rose.... I love you all! I can't wait for spring break this year my family is going on a cruise...yeah we got my dad to do something other than go to florida. Which by the way i would have been fine with its just i'm glad to be seeing new places and new things. For all of those who didn't know i'm going to Michigan State... yeah i know the big Michigan girl is going to State. But no worries because in four years i plan on being at the Big House supporting the team i love. I mean after all its better for my career and all to go to State first and then U of M. I'm not dissapointed at all...well maybe a lil but its okay i'll get there one day. It's crazy to think that i will be a doctor in eight years... its a long way away but its also not that far away either. I mean i used to think it would take forever to get to college and now its knocking on my door step. Other than that my life is pretty mellow i work everyday and hang with the best friends a girl could ask for. Well i hope everything is going good for the rest of ya'll. enjoy the rest of this year and good luck with whatever ya do. Love always Me!
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