Argh! Spinning my wheels on a Thursday.

Jul 20, 2006 10:38

I was going through my old proposal file just now throwing out unsuccessful bids when I came across two proposals that just pissed me off. One was due on January 4 of this year so you can imagine how much fun that made my holidays. Dealing with subconsultants, filling out pages and pages of forms, having them notarized, not to mention writing the damn thing. And I must say it turned out well. So what does the client do? Who knows?! They haven't even shortlisted firms and it's been 7 months now. It's Fulton County and they are in all kinds of turmoil so I won't hold out any hope on that one.

The second annoying one is one that I spent boucou time on and was so proud of it that I showed it off to everyone. It was a thing of beauty. I mean, it's pretty tough to make stormwater utilities interesting and flashy. Well because it's an election year, the Cobb County commission probably shouldn't have tried to start the project to begin with since it involves citizens' money (ever notice that no one does anything productive in an election year?). Anyway, after hearing that our proposal was ranked really highly and we were going to be shortlisted soon the client yanked the project because of political concerns. They'll probably re-advertise for proposals after the elections meaning that we'll have to do it all over again. I say we slap a new date on it and call it done. But that's just my opinion.

On a brighter note, we're so flush with work from the jobs that we did win that we don't really need the projects anyway. And I do get props on occasion for seeing these things through. The question is, how many wins do we need to have before I can ask for a raise?


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