Watched it last night and I have to say I was a little disappointed. I expected to see more of what actually happened at the olympics and less of what happened after wards. Not to mention it was over 3 hours. It was still an interesting story about something I had never heard of.
Perhaps I was expecting to see more of this. I guess I always expect that out of movies that are set in places I've visited. I think the director made a conscious decision to leave out a lot of the scenery so that the audience would focus on the story.
Some films are too reliant on interesting environs to the detriment of plot development. Ocean's 12 for example. Terrible movie, not that I expected much. Neat to see if you've been to Amsterdam though.
As far as my vertigo goes, I didn't get dizzy once yesterday. Sweet. I still felt a little off all day, but no random spinning. Maybe I'll play better tonight. I think I'm getting my energy back.