(no subject)

Apr 29, 2008 00:08

So many  fucking thoughts, emotions, and ideas have been running through my head lately it's been driving me nuts. Getting kicked out of my mom's house was pretty weird, and for a hot second, i was sad. I'm not anymore though, because there's way too much that she has done and said that i'm sick and tired of taking. It's not going to happen again. She does this way too often, and it's become routine, which is not okay at all. She tried to make me come back, but it's not going to work this time. I can't be happy around her, she confides me to our house, make's me dress a certain way, wear my hair a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way, and be a completely different person. She admitted to me that I embarrass her when she introduces me to her friends because, "I don't act like normal girls, and i smell like garlic and rosemary all the time" (which suits me just fine). living with  my dad now all the time is really fucking awesome. He is my best friend. He supports everything I do as long as I do it for the right reasons and with the best intentions. I'm happy now, because I actually enjoy going home and going to dinner with my little brother and my dad, even if it is to golden corral and i sit there and eat dry lettuce because everything else had pig balls in it. I can be happy just sitting in my room listening to music and relaxing or drawing with my little brother. Finally, I can feel like my self, and act the way I want to, say what I want to say, and eat what I want to eat without getting bitched at or told that what I am doing is wrong and I should be ashamed. Money may be tight, we may be missing a key member of our family momentarily, but I feel like things are running smooth, and for once in my lifetime, I feel like everything is going to be okay. That is probably the most satisfying thing; being able to say that everything is going to be okay, and actually knowing deep down that it will.

There are so many people I miss a lot. I miss my step mom, her wit, and her enthusiasm for life even when things are shitty. I miss being able to spend time with her, and talk to her about funny random stuff like lenny kravitz, and guys, and stupid starbucks baristas. I really miss Ava, and I wish I could say that I spent more time with her. I miss people from the Earth First! Rendezvous who I only knew for a long weekend, but i still miss them anyways.

About this warehouse: It's going to be the shit. The fucking graffitti conference was there and I had the best time of my life. Jorge and I were absolutly ecstatic with crazy fucking ideas going through our heads. It also may have been the multiple red bulls and full cups of yerba matte. Hanging out with Keri is always fun, and her sticking up for me was cool too. The dance party was really fun. 5 hours of non-stop dancing and we didn't realize until yesterday that deanna, allison, victoria, ariel, and i were the only ones dancing in this huge fucking warehouse. Dance party was fun until some creepy rando, "Tall-T" decides to be a complete perv and try to dance with me and get a boner on my fucking back because he was so god damn tall, and then procede to violate me. FUCK ASSHOLES. Funniest part of the night: Josh getting stuck with the random drunk girl. She passed out in the fucking garbage next to the porto potties and somehow, Josh got the part of figuring out where she lived, who she was, and what to do. Apparently she took a ton of pain killers. Her dad came and picked her up. pretty funny. After the warehouse party, Adrien, Deanna, and I went skinny dipping ontop of the sheraton hotel in their really nice hot tub. Too bad deanna left so much weed on the patio. Deanna and I got hungry so we tried to dumpster some food, ended up getting really fucking dehydrated and then only place that would give us water was the mcdonalds, so we had to wait in the drive-through for 45 minutes at 3:30 in the morning to get a fucking cup of water. Some really nice people in front of us gave us a dollar to get hash browns because I was dry heaving. gross. this asshole behind us hit us and rode all the way up our wheels, and then proceeded to try and tell us that bikes weren't vehicles and that we needed to get out of the road. What a mistake that bitch made.

I have been so busy these past couple of days it feels like a whole month has passed me by. It's almost May, but it feels like it should be way later. I'm getting my GED pretty soonwwhich i'm really excited about. I was thinkgin about taking an herb certification class at the school of holistic living. That would be neat.

I guess I can't complain much, life is great right now, ain't doin shit, but at the same time i'm doing everything I want to be doing.

Lets hang out and do stuff! 407-575-1256

(sorry for the super long post, haven't posted in a while)
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